
my perfect day.....

The amazing girls of Club Project were in the house yesterday.  My house, that is.  And you know what that means....it was as magical as Christmas, all day long.  We worked on all sorts of projects, from my stairway, to some bookcases, to a most excellent herringbone wall in my office.  The sounds of saws, nailguns, compressors and hand sanders are all music to my ears!  And while none of these projects are ready to be photographed, they are freakishly close!  Although I can't show any "after" pictures quite yet, I must share a couple of my favorite shots from the day's events.

Here is Mia, working on some arches for a very important project, with a surprise guest in the background!  That's my sweet chicken, Mildred, who insists on laying her eggs in the pot by the back door.  It should prompt me to plant some flowers, but I have to admit I kind of like seeing her in that pot everyday around 9:30 a.m.

We also have a whole herd of sheep in our backyard, and just last week had five new babies added to the mix.  I let the girls feed them this afternoon, and it was a nice break.  They love the farm.

For lunch, I made a delightful dish called Peach Pasta that I was going to blog all about, until Mia reminded me she already had.  So, let me direct your attention back to {this post}.   I know that much of the country is in peach heaven right now, and this is a great way to use your abundance.  Here in AZ, we practically have to sell our firstborn to obtain a box of peaches, so this dish is for special occasions only.  And these girls are pretty special, let me tell ya!

Mia and I are headed out on our big NY City adventure this week!  Remember, it's our one year anniversary, and we want to send you some free artwork to help us celebrate.  Don't fret if you email us and don't get the prints immediately.  We are among the last people on the planet who don't have iphones, so we will be completely unplugged during our vacation.  We like to believe it's part of our charm.....  As soon as we return, you will see a happy message in your inbox with four attachments. 

Also, we are still taking submissions for our Club Project Service Day until the end of this month, and we would love to hear from you!! Who wouldn't want this group at your house all. day. long?

What do we HAVE to do while we are in New York?  We would love your best tips!


  1. You HAVE to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge at sunset and eat at Grimaldi's (pizza...cash only and always a huge line) which is right under the bridge on the Brooklyn side. It is amazing! Also Max Brenner's Chocolate. Check out MJ Trim...you girls will love it! Such a fun trim store. Of course all of the faves like shopping on 5th Avenue, playing the giant piano at FAO Schwartz, Times Square, Central Park. The Shake Shack in Madison Garden park. Call me if you have any questions....or should I just come with you? :)

  2. Also...some people go crazy over Serendipity and their frozen hot chocolate. For me it didn't live up to the hype and is crazy overpriced. Ive heard good things about kesti...a pizza place but never went there. The City Bakery is famous for their hot chocolate. Just riding on the subways and waking taxis is so much fun. Have a great time!

  3. I just found your blog this morning and have had so much fun looking at it! I too love me some power tools and the smell of fresh cut wood, paint and stain! I will be following you anxious to see your projects, try your recipes and just see what you are up to, like a trip to New York! Have you been before? I would for sure go see a Broadway show and go down to Canal street for some shopping.......get ready to barter for some really great deals! I would love to follow you on Pinterest too if that is okay, I can only imagine all of the fun ideas you have collected! Your family is lucky to get Mac and Cheese, my Hubby gets himself a bowl of cereal when he sees what I am doing! Have a super fun trip, thanks for sharing!! Becky Stratford

  4. I have been dreaming about doing something similar to Club Project for years now and you girls actually DID (or DO) it! Good for you! I'm in LOVE with this idea of sharing skills/having fun/learning/completing projects. I know you girls are busy but when you get a chance, I have a few questions... Do you plan your projects according to skill sets? For example, if someone wants molding done, does someone in the group learn how to do molding before you meet? Do you have to limit the number of members? Considering we don't even have a super saturday (cause the gals don't love DIY/crafting around here!), I don't think limiting will be a problem, just wondering!! Have a fab time in NYC, can't wait to see the projects!

  5. I just read about your great DIY group in today's newspaper & had to immediately look up your blog. I'm also located in Gilbert (just moved a month ago). I think what ya'll do is just great. My hubby is a super-handyman & I'm his "fairly" good helper. I'm much more into crafts & sewing. I think your blog will be great fun to read, so I'm a new follower. Have a great time in NYC!
    :) CAS

  6. love love love nyc! Went with some girlfriends a couple years ago. We did all the tourist things, but I think my favorites were the first night we were there having dinner at 9:00 at night(our flight was 4 hours delayed)at this little italian restaurant off of Time Square and then walking around in the rain cuz we were so giddy about being there. On Sunday we took the subway down to Battery Park and walked all around World Trade, Wall Street and then up to Soho area. There werent many people around down there in the a.m and was great! We ended up in Greenwich for lunch. Have fun, it's a great city~Rosanne

  7. You girls are so darling, I wish I lived close by. I laughed so hard when I saw a chicken sitting in a pot in the first picture of this post. I just love chickens. We have 5 and they are so much fun. but they only lay their eggs in their nesting boxes, where is their sense of adventure!
    Love your blog, I am a new follower.

  8. Hi ladies....I found you by reading the article in the paper on Saturday in Phoenix. I'm now following. I'm off to see what else you all have been up to. Can't wait til you get back from vacation. http://mysouthwestramblings.blogspot.com/

  9. Love your blog! I have a question for Mia. A few posts back you talked about how you resurfaced your new round coffee table. I love your big shaggy brown rug that is underneath it. Where did you get it?

  10. Hi Shelley! I ordered my rug from a company called American Accents. Unfortunately it's a company avail only to the trade but I'm considering selling mine and replacing it with something a little lighter. Send your information to meandjilly@gmail.com if you want to talk!


We LOVE comments and we read every single one. Go ahead, make our day!
Mia & Jilly