
slipcovered piano bench

I'm one of those kids who was forced to play the piano.  It started when I was three and ended the day I moved out.  During the school year my mom took it easy on us and we only played 1 hour a day.  And then came summer.  Most kids look forward to summer vacation, but not me.  That's when my 3 sisters and I started mandatory 2 hour a day piano practice.  I remember the summer I begged my sister to take a sledge hammer to my right arm so I could enjoy a 6 week break.  Good idea until my mom introduced to me to a book called "Left handed piano pieces."  I though about adding up all the hours I'd practiced in the 15 years of my childhood, but I know I can't count that high.  Let's just say I practiced a lot.   

When we moved into our current home about 6 years ago I decided I was finally ready to let the piano back into my life, so I began searching CL and found an antique upright grand for $300.  The man we bought it from told us it was over 100 years old and was given as a gift to President Grover Cleveland.  Don't know if it's true, but I like to think so.  I love pieces in my house that have great history, so we strapped it to our trailer and drove it to our home.

Over the last few years I've been through a few piano benches.  The last one was upholstered in a bright orangey-red, with a tufted top and skirting to the ground.  Since then I have slowly phased out orange so I sold it and started looking for a new one.  Who knew that was such a task?  After searching about 6 months I found an organ bench at the {Habitat Restore in Payson, AZ}.  Although it was too tall for a piano, for 15 bucks I knew I'd figure out how to make it work.

I decided to cut the bottom 5 inches of the legs off, add small casters, and slip cover the top.  My inspiration for the upholstery was a twelve dollar coffee sack I found one day out junkin.  

I skirted it in off white cotton, and trimmed it with the braid that was sewn around the edges of the coffee sack.

 My piano is nestled in the entry just to the right of my front door which happens to be the perfect spot.

OK mom,  I don't know if I'm ready to admit I'm glad you made me take piano lessons and practice a bazillion hours. But...me and the girls have had hours of enjoyment imitating the way Ms. Guyton said  "quarter note" in her Philippino accent, and I do love the piano.  Especially this one.

Right across from my piano is our living room which I turned into a dining room.  I like people to hang out in our family room, so I didn't have any use for the formal LR.  Instead, we find ourselves hosting parties and entertaining almost every weekend so I decided it was more beneficial to have additional seating for guests here. 

Most everything in this room has a story.  I've collected here, there, and everywhere and have purchased at vintage shops, flea markets, garage sales, or Craig's list.  The one splurge in this room is the new upholstery on the chairs. 

A gallery wall of architectural art I found in my travels.  Some of them are old and crusty and one even has some water damage.  I say it's part of the charm.

Remember this German buffet we painted during {club project} at my house?  Still in love.

I have a little collection of old china and dishes.  I inherited this set from my Grandma Hatch who passed away when I was two. They're special.

I bought this chest thinking it would work in another home when really, it was the perfect fit for this little space between my living room and office.  It has the best curved lines and houses my table linens.

Final Thoughts.  If you want your kids to go into the world with an ounce of sanity, STOP MAKING THEM PRACTICE THE PIANO!  

Alright, maybe just don't make them practice their little fingers to the bone. 

Hope you enjoyed a peek at my front room.  Oh, and thanks Jessica, you're our 400th follower.  Yes!


  1. Good job Minda, looks great! And I think you turned out great, despite the fact that your Mom "forced" you to practice the piano. :)Two hours a day is pretty eccentric though!

  2. That is very pretty! Thanks for linking with air your laundry Friday! xo Jami


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Mia & Jilly