
mia's kitchen paint colors

Last time I climbed to the top of my hall closet to get a gallon of paint, I took down an entire shelf of glass jars full of bottled peaches and tomatoes painstakingly canned last summer.  I said a bad word and then spent the next hour cleaning up broken glass and tomato juice.  It got all over backpacks, photos, computer paper, homework, and into the nooks and crannies of my storage closet.  Bitter.
Let's just say by the time it was all cleaned up, I was no longer in the mood to paint.

When a reader requested the paint colors from my {kitchen makeover} I was very hesitant to go back to the paint closet, but several more of you inquired so I said a prayer and went in, this time with a ladder. 

Remember this before and after?

Upper cabinets- Cincinnatian Hotel Hannaford by Valspar
The lower cabinets- Black Walnut by Dunn Edwards
Island- Serpentine by Dunn Edwards

After I painted all 55 cabinets, I realized the bad oak veneer grain showed through.  Bleh.  The solution was to cut a piece of thin luan board (Home Depot) and caulk it inside the molding on each door front.  Time consuming? YES.  But at this point, who's counting? 

I rubbed Ralph Lauren Tobacco glaze on the uppers for a richer finish.

The upper cabinet hardware and lower drawer pulls are both from {Van Dyke's Restorers}.
The lower door hardware from Anthropologie

It's been five years since this makeover and I still love my kitchen.  The lower cabinets are a bit of a pain to keep wiped down (which means they're usually not), but If I had the chance to do it over, I would paint them dark again. 

This weekend my boys will be in Utah for their annual father's and son's basketball camp, so I'll have a glorious 4 days to myself.  What to do???

I'm going to start sewing new window treatments.  I've been lightening things up in my house for the past year and it's time to replace the panels.   

I'm selling my existing treatments at a great price to make room for the new ones.  Here are a few pictures if you're interested in purchasing.  I'm happy to ship them anywhere in the US. 

Living Room-

Family Room-


All panels are clean, in excellent condition, ready to hang. 
Please email meandjilly@gmail.com or make a comment with your email address if you'd like more information including a detailed description, price list, dimensions, and shipping costs. 


  1. I am very excited for your new drapery panels... I can't wait to see what you create with that new fabric, because you definitely have a knack for putting things together! But I was most inspired by your closet story, as I said my own choice word when I was reorganizing my serving trays and they came crashing down on me. Somehow knowing there is even just a little bit of chaos in your house makes it easier to accept its presence in mine. Love ya!

    1. G, you know there is more than a little bit of chaos in my house!
      The serving tray disaster definitely tops canned tomatoes. Tear.

  2. I've always LOVED your kitchen. It's at the top of the list for me. I'm afraid mine will eventually morph into a sad imitation. But lets be real, any changes in my kitchen will be an improvement! Someday...

  3. The Kitchen is beautiful and I hope you have a wonderful day or two sewing up new curtains for your
    house... I too just lightened it up in my family room and hung draperies after being here ONE YEAR !
    Have a good time and enjoy yourself !


  4. I love the before and after of the kitchen. I am wanting to take the plunge and paint my cabinets this summer and redo my island. I searched the site on what you did to your island to make it look so custom, I couldn't find that tutorial. Is it something that you have posted? Have a great weekend, ladies! Adore your blog!

  5. I am interested in the kitchen drapes and family room drapes. Please email a price if you still have them! :) jsouth1113@gmail.com

  6. I would like more information on the drapes. HOw many panels are there of each and what is the lengths. They are gorgeous!

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  8. When handled well, such transitions from one stage of life to another can be "key turning points in children's lives" and "provide challenges and opportunities for learning and growth on multiple levels", the review's authors argue. While the review does not mention specific school-entry rites, many societies mark the big day in some way. In the UK, families typically prepare children for school by buying a school uniform and a new pair of shoes, while in Japan, children are given traditional school bags known as randoseru.

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  9. In Germany, the cones tend to evoke powerful feelings of nostalgia in adults. But as Löwe's book documents, they have also reflected the country's tumultuous and violent history. In a photo taken during World War One, a little girl holds a school cone in one hand, and a model of a grenade in the other, inscribed with a message wishing her courage and strength. Children sent photos of themselves with their school cones to their fathers out in the battlefield. In the Nazi era, some cones featured swastikas.

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  10. For her family, the cones and their East-West history carry a particularly profound significance, one that is intertwined with memories of loss and resilience. "What the school cone means to us – that's a very emotional question," sighs Nestler, whose grandfather started the company in 1953, by merging two older firms.

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  11. Nestler says he was convinced that the firm would be returned to them one day. And it was: five years after he died, the Berlin Wall fell, and a year later, in 1990, Germany reunified. Nestler's family won back ownership. She grew up next to the factory, amid the smell of glue. From her bedroom window, she could see into the packing room, where the colourful cones rolled by on an assembly line. She is proud to have followed her ancestors into the business: "We're part of a person's very special life stage. The start of school is a hugely important step."

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  12. "There's a lot of individual difference in terms of how we respond to social media images, in terms of our own biological and psychological processes," she says. Some people have a higher reward response to food cues, for example, where the brain sends out pleasure signals after seeing certain foods, Atkinson says. These people are more likely to respond to food cues no matter where they see them.

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  13. Both accounts published the same tweet about eating healthy food. She showed participants to one of the two accounts, and when asked afterwards how likely they were to eat a salad, those who saw the account with more followers were more inclined to want to eat a salad.

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  14. While the findings don't reflect reality, where we're typically exposed to multiple streams of information, images and tweets, we'd still notice and process how many followers a Twitter account has, Tessitore says, so it's likely to have the same effect.
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  15. "We're fighting years of evolution here," says Pancer. "There's a reason we've evolved to look for calorie-dense food in food-scarce environments. But eating what feels good is misfiring – we now need to find ways to recalibrate this."

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  16. Pancer has found in his research that, as soon as we demystify why seeing photos of burgers and chips feels good, the feel-good effect goes away. In other words – if we understand that we're biologically programmed to feel good when we see photos of burgers, perhaps we can become less prone to being influenced by it.

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  17. Hedgerows are as British as fish and chips. Without these walls of woody plants cross-stitching the countryside into a harmonious quilt of pastures and crop fields, the landscape wouldn't be the same. Over the centuries, numerous hedges were planted to keep in grazing livestock, and some of today's are as historic as many old churches, dating back as far as 800 years. Today, Britain boasts about 700,000 km (435,000 miles) of them, a length that surpasses that of its roads.

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  18. In recent years, ecologists – especially in Britain, Ireland and continental Europe, but also in places that have more recently adopted hedgerows, such as California – have come to view these man-made structures as important ecosystems in their own right. They form a vital reservoir of biodiversity in human-dominated landscapes where many species might otherwise struggle to survive. By nurturing pollinating insects, they can enhance the yield of crops. And they do it all while pulling carbon out of the atmosphere.

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  19. This growing ecological appreciation is invigorating efforts in many regions to expand hedgerows, or hedges, and so help combat both the biodiversity and climate crises. More hedgerows, ecologists and policymakers hope, could provide a mutually beneficial way for farming to coexist with nature.

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  20. "Most people just drive or walk past hedgerows and maybe don't think about them very much," says Jo Staley, an ecologist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, a nonprofit research institute. "But when you start to learn a bit about them, you see the potential."

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  21. More plant species often mean more animals, especially if the plants flower and bear fruit at different times. "The little birds love them," says Charles Bowerman, a farmer who takes pride in his hedges and hosts hedgelaying training for young farmers. Bowerman plants his hedges with about a dozen plant species: In addition to the traditional thorny plants such as hawthorn and blackthorn, he includes hazel, field maple, wild privet, dogwood and holly.

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  22. This July, gorged by days of rain, the Meuse River broke its banks, and the Belgian town of Liège was its victim. Waters the colour of old gravy raced through town, leaving residents floating in canoes as their homes vanished about them. In the city and its province, over 20 died, one man drowning in his basement.

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  23. Nor was this corner of Eastern Belgium alone. In nearby Germany, around 200 perished, with journalists describing the flooding as a once-in-a-century event. The financial impact of the disaster was shocking too. Near Liège, a single chocolate factory sustained damages worth around €12m (£10m/$13.5m).

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  24. Yet as the mayhem unfolded, one corner of Northern Europe suffered far less. In the Netherlands, the summer flooding was also described as the worst in a century and property damage was severe, but the country survived the floods without a single fatality. There are many reasons for this: quick evacuations, strong dikes and robust communication among them. But what underpins these varied forms of flood defence is an institution: the so-called "water boards" that have protected this waterlogged land for nearly a millennium.

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  25. You can also see echoes of the Dutch systems in how Ethiopia approaches representation. Nothing like elected water boards exist along the Awash: the nation's democracy is too fragile. Even so, the Dutch and local officials have encouraged smallholder farmers to join local water user associations, giving them collective power to negotiate with the state and industry. Modest schemes like this, argues Huisman, are typical of how the Dutch operate abroad. "You have to look at the principles that are under our governance model – and change it when you apply it to other countries."

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  26. It's tasty on toast or stirred into tea, but honey is much more than a sweetener. Certainly, the viscous liquid is mostly sugar, which hive members use for sustenance, but it also harbours enzymes, vitamins, minerals and organic molecules that give each honey its uniqueness and confer a slew of health benefits to bees.

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  27. Bees made the split from wasps around 120 million years ago, during a surge in the evolution and spread of flowering plants. This floral diversity – along with a shift in bee behaviour of feeding pollen, rather than insects, to bee larvae – spurred the evolution of the approximately 20,000 bee species known today.

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  28. Becoming an expert honey-maker took a few more behavioural and chemical tricks. Bees started adding a bit of nectar to the pollen, which moulded it into more transportable bundles. They also developed wax secretion glands, which provided a way to separately store the liquid nectar and solid pollen.

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  29. "The wax allows for a very flexible building material," says Christina Grozinger, an entomologist at Penn State University, who studies mechanisms underlying bee social behaviour and health. When forming a honeycomb, honey bees mould wax into hexagons, which turns out to be the most efficient shape to store something, since hexagons pack tightly together. "It's an engineering feat," Grozinger says.

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  30. The process to yield honey that will fill those comb cells begins as soon as a foraging bee slurps up nectar. Though it might look like she is eating it, the sugary snack doesn't end up in her stomach, at least not in the traditional sense. She stores it in her crop, or honey stomach, where it mixes with various enzymes.

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  31. "There's a lot of individual difference in terms of how we respond to social media images, in terms of our own biological and psychological processes," she says. Some people have a higher reward response to food cues, for example, where the brain sends out pleasure signals after seeing certain foods, Atkinson says. These people are more likely to respond to food cues no matter where they see them.

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  32. Both accounts published the same tweet about eating healthy food. She showed participants to one of the two accounts, and when asked afterwards how likely they were to eat a salad, those who saw the account with more followers were more inclined to want to eat a salad.

    อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนบ้านมะขามเอน 

  33. While the findings don't reflect reality, where we're typically exposed to multiple streams of information, images and tweets, we'd still notice and process how many followers a Twitter account has, Tessitore says, so it's likely to have the same effect.
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  34. "We're fighting years of evolution here," says Pancer. "There's a reason we've evolved to look for calorie-dense food in food-scarce environments. But eating what feels good is misfiring – we now need to find ways to recalibrate this."

    อ่านต่อเพิ่มเติม โรงเรียนบ้านทุ่งแฝก

  35. Pancer has found in his research that, as soon as we demystify why seeing photos of burgers and chips feels good, the feel-good effect goes away. In other words – if we understand that we're biologically programmed to feel good when we see photos of burgers, perhaps we can become less prone to being influenced by it.

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  36. Captivated by the ancient sites and the views of the snow-streaked Cordillera Real in the distance, I paid little attention to the terraced fields snaking along the hillsides of the island. Yet these deceptively simple feats of agricultural engineering helped the Inca to build the largest empire in South American history.

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  37. This enabled farmers to grow dozens of different crops, from maize and potatoes to quinoa and coca, many of which would not otherwise have survived in the region. The upshot was a dramatic increase in the overall amount of food produced.

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  38. Beyond their ingenuity, andenes also have an artistic quality, forming vast geometric patterns on the landscapes of the Andes. Some look like giant green staircases carved into the mountainside, while others are made up of sets of concentric circles, capturing the attention like an optical illusion.
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  39. "Having dug the [irrigation] channels, they levelled the fields and squared them so that the irrigation water could be adequately distributed," he wrote. "They built terraces on the mountains and hillsides, wherever the soil was good… In this way the whole hill was gradually brought under cultivation, the platforms being flattened out like stairs in a staircase and all the cultivable and irrigable land being put to use."

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  40. The newly expanded land was subsequently split into three parts: one for the Inca emperor; one for religious purposes; and one for the community, tranches of which were then distributed by local leaders. Although they were not taxed, farmers were required to spend time working on the emperor's and the religious lands, as well as their own.

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  41. According to Fowler, the conversation around regulation and insurance companies' new role within this transport space needs to mature. "It's got to be a very iterative approach where we're starting with pods and shuttles, or we're starting with off-highway vehicles where you can see such a benefit, and you've got a more controlled environment potentially, and what works with that," she says. "Then we can scale it up and across more vehicle types, more use cases."

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  42. When it comes to public transport, Oxbotica is also working with German-based vehicle systems specialist ZF over the next five years to make the driverless shuttle a true mainstay for European cities, operating on roads, as well as at airports, much in the same way buses do now. "The shuttles in airports we see today on rails won't need those rails in five years from now. This means driverless shuttles have the potential to transport you from the car park to the airport, then straight through to your gate and the plane," Jinks explains.

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  43. For users, this could mean more reliable and cost-efficient transport systems. "Interlinking autonomous transport systems to bring a public transport system that is as efficient as you jumping in your own car and driving it yourself has got to be the answer to congestion in the future," adds Jinks.

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  44. Without parked cars lining the street, roads could be narrower, making way for more green spaces. But while proponents of self-driving vehicles insist they will make our roads safer, there are some who feel pedestrians and autonomous vehicles simply can't mix. It could mean that our cities and the way we use them may need to be reimagined.

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  45. This is something that many people around the world might relate to. Some animals are becoming common in places where they have not previously ventured, while others are dying out. Many butterfly species have become less common, right across the planet. The decline of a given species can often be linked directly to climate change.

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  46. The rate of change witnessed by Bobby and Ross is what concerns them most. "No-one is making an effort to look at it as an emergency," says Bobby. "When I talk to my children, I talk about these things."

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  47. It's hard to fathom how their community will fare in the future, he adds, though he finds the possibilities terrifying. "We're the ones that are going to become extinct," he says, referring to the Iñupiat.

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  48. Climate change "frightens all our people up here", says Ross, noting that anything the world can do to slow the release of greenhouse gases and bring climate change under control is vital. "We really need to concentrate on getting that done soon," he adds. "If we don't focus on it, most of us ain't gonna be here 100 years from now."

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  49. One of my own lingering grudges comes from a Christmas party when I was a new, junior member of a team. Halfway through the celebrations, most of the colleagues at my table decided they wanted to go outside for a cigarette, leaving just me and a more senior journalist at the table.

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  50. เกมสล็อต ค่าย pg วันนี้จะมาแนะนำเกมสล็อตยอดฮิตทั้งหมด 7 เกมที่กำลังได้รับความนิยมเป็นอย่างมาก ด้วย ภาพ เนื้อหาของเกม และที่สำคัญแตกง่ายมากๆ อีกด้วย กับ pg slot 2022

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  52. เล่น และรับเงินรางวัลได้แบบฟรีๆ พร้อมรับโปรโมชั่นมากมายตลอด 24 ชั่นโมง พีจี เพิ่มโอกาสให้ได้รับมากมาย แจ็คพ็อตแตกไม่อั้น เล่นได้เลยตอนนี้ที่เว็บไซต์ PGSLOTGAMES เล่นและรับเครดิตฟรีได้ก่อนใคร ทั้งหน้าเว็บไซต์ และบราวเซอร์

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Mia & Jilly