
let's help a sister out

Just when you thought you might know everything about me, did you know that I'm married to a man with an amazing voice?  Ohhh yes, and a mighty fine one at that!

Although I would blush to write my own testimonial of his talents here on the blog, everyone else will say he belongs on Broadway, and I'll go ahead and back them up.  Unfortunately, he realized it would be a bit tricky to try to raise a family while being a big Broadway star, darn it.  Maybe when all the kids leave home.....Maybe then we will move to NYC and my man will be famous!  It's a lovely dream........

He has played many different roles in lots of different productions.  Since we've been married he has been King Arthur in Camelot, Sweeney in Sweeney Todd, Dr. Craven in The Secret Garden, and most recently my personal favorite, Javert in Les Miserables.

So when a friend called and asked if he might be willing to help with some fundraising for a good friend of hers in need, he was all in.  Andrew has teamed up with his good friend {Steve Chandler} for An Evening of Stories and Songs on August 3rd.  Steve is a world renowned Business and Transformational Coach and has authored over 30 books.  He is a wonderful friend to Andrew and along with being an amazing speaker and coach, he is a great musician as well!  These two are magical on stage together and this will be their second time performing with each other.  I loved their first concert and found myself laughing and crying all the way through and hoping the night would never end. 

The concert on August 3rd is for a beautiful and tenacious girl named Brittany.  She and her husband went for a quick mountain bike ride the night before Easter.  Brittney hit a rock and flew over her handlebars, landing on her head which broke her helmet and 4 bones in her back.

30 minutes after this picture was taken, Brittany was paralyzed from the chest down.

Andrew and I went to the hospital to meet her a few weeks ago and were so impressed with her attitude and hope.  Her husband and two small children came while we were there and they are such a sweet, young family.  While Brittany is improving each day through grueling physical therapy, she has a long way to go and massive medical expenses increasing daily.  She just returned home after weeks of being hospitalized and is learning how to live with this trial, while still attempting to do all that is required of her as a wife and mother.  My heart aches for her and her family. That's why I'm so happy to spread the word about the concert and try to get them all the help they need and deserve.

And guess what?  Mia and I will be there on the front row.  And guess what else?  We are making massive amounts of treats to share!  And guess what else else?  My daughter Jaci will be performing that night too!

I've given you a myriad of reasons to come to the concert on August 3rd.  The BEST reason of all though is to show our humanity and support for Brittany during this very difficult time.  She will be there, and the moment you lay eyes on her, you will adore her. It's date night, so bring your spouse, partner, friend, mom, brother, sister, aunt, grandma and whoever else you can think of.  If you enjoy music even a little bit, I can personally promise you won't be sorry you came.  It will be 1,000 times better than any movie at any theater.  Plus, we would love to meet you and share a treat!

Here is the {LINK} with all the concert information.  There is a suggested donation of $20 per seat, but any amount will do.  You can donate whatever you would like via pay pal through the link and secure yourself a seat.  The concert will be held at Heritage Academy in downtown Mesa and seating is limited.  It will sell out, so book your spot now! 

Please consider coming to support this wonderful cause.  On top of financially helping someone in serious need, you will leave the evening feeling uplifted, happy, and grateful.  You might even hear some things that will help you in your life that you have never thought of before. 

Hoping to see you there!


  1. Awesome that you can be a huge part of changing her life - with your husband singing, and you letting everyone known, it should be a great
    evening. Hoping so. And praying she recovers to the fullest !


  2. What a wonderful story. I'm praying everything will be positive for this event and that a complete and full recovery is achieved. Thanks for sharing.


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Mia & Jilly