
ahh, summer!

On the last day of school, I jumped out of bed, ran into my big boy's bedroom, and belted out my own arrangement of "Whose excited about the last day of school", a song I've been singing to him since the day he graduated Kindergarten.  Together we skipped over to el Nino's room and gave him an Oscar worthy rendition.

Nothing quite excites me like the last day of school.  No getting up crazy early or sticking to a rigorous schedule.  No 8:30 bed time for the little man, and no homework!  I'd seriously consider home schooling if I thought the children would learn anything besides how to get to the beach and back before dad missed us.

This summer I'm lovin the bright colors all over department stores.  I'm finding myself most attracted to vibrant corals, bright blues, and sunshine yellow. 

These colors inspired three little note cards I designed to wish a happy summer to some of my favorite people.

Click on each image to download and print.

{all images look best printed on textured, white card stock}

I wrote notes to my two boys. I told them how much I've loved watching them grow this year, and how much I love to have them at home with me.  I told them how excited I am about our back packing trip, the week in Park City, and the family reunion with grandma, grandpa and the cousins.  I told them how extraordinary they are and how glad I am to be their mom.

I did not tell them that in between all the fun, we're going to be cleaning rooms, top to bottom, with a fine tooth comb!


  1. I love bright colors, too! They are soooo beautiful!

  2. Great post. Have fun on your summer adventures!

  3. II just tucked the kiddos into bed and told them how much I love them and how excited I am that it is summer, and Tylie looks up at me and says I am not doing any work tomorrow! Think I may have worked them a little to hard today. Don't worry tomorrow is curb cleaning weed eating and vacuuming the list could go on and on. We do have fun days also.

  4. We homeschool & love it, but you know what's so funny? When I was reading your intro here about the last day of school & summer excitement, my heart yearned just a little for my kids to have the same memories. Guess the grass is always greener. Of course I could just not school year round, but still - there's just something about the drastic change of scenery & pace that's so refreshing about summer vacation. You've got me thinking we need a little bit of that. Lovin your blog, btw.

  5. LOVE the yellow skirt! Do you know where it's from??


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