
working girl.....and a cookie

The working girl I am referring to is me.  6 days, full time.  It almost killed me.  Thank goodness I lived to tell you all about it.

My dear friend Stacey found herself without a front office girl at her law firm, so I volunteered to temp for a couple days until she could get things sorted out.  You see, in my previous life I was going to be a business woman.  I went to college and graduated as a Paralegal.  However, I made the mistake of interning for a divorce attorney, and that six weeks soured my view about all my hard college work.  So many upset women, so many angry men.....this was NOT the field for me.  I dropped it like a hot rock and decided to have a baby instead.  Because I was really smart at age 20.

Fast forward 18 years and I found myself sitting at the front desk at an attorney's office, all dressed up.  I can't lie, it was pretty exciting.  If I were home, I would have been scrubbing white tile in my sweats.  But here I was in heels and lipstick, scheduling appointments, making deposits, and sipping my ice water.  I even got to say things like, "Please stop harassing our clients, or our firm will be forced to sanction the courts." Scandalous I tell you.

I knew my working days were going to be short-lived, so I did something special.  I officially dubbed Friday as "Cookie Friday".

"What's that?"  everyone in the office wanted to know.

"That's when I bring cookies in for the whole office!"

I think I was more excited than anyone else.

And so I made a delectable treat.  These cookies are perfect for Valentine's Day, or for anyone you really love, any day of the week.  Don't let their fanciness scare you.  They are so easy!  Minimal ingredients and you don't even have to chill the dough. 

Raspberry Almond Shortbread Cookies

1 cup butter, softened
2/3 cup white sugar
3/4 teaspoon almond extract
2 cups flour
1/2 cup seedless raspberry jam


1/2 cup powdered sugar
3/4 teaspoon almond extract
milk, one teaspoon at a time til desired consistancy
red food coloring (optional)

Cream butter and sugar.  Add almond extract, then flour and mix just until dough comes together.  Roll into 1 1/2 inch balls and place on ungreased cookie sheets.  Make a small hole in the middle of each ball, and fill with raspberry jam.  Bake at 350 for 14-18 minutes.  Take them out when the outsides barely start to turn golden.

In a small bowl, mix the glaze ingredients and add enough milk until it's a nice, smooth consistency.  I like to add a drop of red food coloring to make the glaze pink.  Drizzle over cooled cookies. 

Now go enjoy a plate of them while watching Sister Wives, which I have yet to see but hear is the most intriguing program on reality t.v. these days.  Is this true? 

Tuesday was my last day of work, and so I got everyone in the office excited about my Retirement Party.  Stacey ordered pizza, and we all gathered in the conference room, eating and talking about my hard work and dedication to the firm.  The most perfect part of the whole experience was when Andrew walked in while everyone was singing "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" to me, as I was seated at the head of that enormous table.  Priceless.

On a serious note, you working mothers are amazing.  I honestly have NO idea how you do it.  My six days of 9 - 5 at the office were intense.  And then I had to come home and do everything I would have done during the day late into the night and early the next morning.  I have some serious respect for any of you who are working while raising a family.  Maybe you will want to start the tradition of "Cookie Friday" in your office.  It could possibly get you a raise?  I mean, they did ask me to be their permanent temp.  I'm sure they are mostly going to need me on Fridays.....


  1. You crack me up! Love that you had a retirement party. :)

  2. Haha this is funny. I too got a legal BS degree & went to work as a paralegal right out of college & found I hated it. No one is happy to be at a law firm! Any law firm! But I wasn't married, so I couldn't just have a baby. I got a masters degree instead (in public administration) & now work at a university. People are happy to be at a university :)

  3. You kill me! Seriously So Funny!! Janae in Mesa

  4. LOVE THIS!! We miss you so much at the office Jillamina! lol you know what else we miss? Cookie Friday! Best Friday ever! Eric is a fantastic receptionist, but he did not implement cookie Friday or any other work day dedicated to sweets. Maybe you make some of your delicious treats and come visit? :) Miss you girl!!

  5. I MISS YOU TERRIBLY! I think you were amazing as our temp, and you picked up the office responsibilities so quickly and efficiently...you ARE our permanent temp! Here I am, sitting at my desk in the office now, its Friday, and well, there isn't any cookies. Very sad. Stacey

  6. That is cute. I wanted to be a business woman. I became a nurse instead. I only work weekends, so sometimes it is not like having a job at all.

  7. That was hilarious!!!!! It made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the great story that uplifted me today!!

  8. Jill, you are the most adorable friend. I just love you. You made me smile, and that was no small feat this Saturday morning, with a million things on my mind, all wanting me to give them my full attention.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. That's funny...I used to work for Clint through high school up until I got married. I'm sure they'll miss having you around! So cute!


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