
there's no place like home!

As glorious and fun as our trip was, we are so happy to be home!  I got smart and  closed my eyes as our plane flew in over Phoenix, so the desert wasn't even a downer this time. 

Mia and I started a fun tradition years ago every time we travel together. I like to incorporate this activity into my family vacations as well.  So, please enjoy some of the highlights and lowlights of my family's most recent travels.

Highlight:  The most adorable flight attendant ever bought the necklace right off my neck on the airplane.  It was a creation by the fabulous Karen of Vestige Jewelry.    J.J., shopping day is this Friday, August 5th.  Are we going?  Email me!

Lowlight:  I missed that necklace at least 100 times on my trip.  I must get Karen to duplicate it!

Highlight:  Cricket, the cutest dog in America.

Lowlight:  We had to wait for 2 hours (until 1:00 a.m.) for my dad's plane to arrive in New York.  Thankfully, we had Cricket there to entertain us.

Highlight:  Matching hats with a complete stranger.

Lowlight:  Jaci realizing that she couldn't pack her Fedora hat because it would get smashed, so someone had to wear it at all times! We convinced Carter that he looked amazing in it wherever we went.  He was such a good sport.

 Highlight:  Not one, but TWO of Tara's amazing cakes.

Lowlight:  A ten pound weight gain.  It was worth it.  No photo necessary.

Highlight:  The Russian bakery that we visit every time we are in Ontario.

Lowlight:  Vladimir's dirty jokes in front of the children.

Highlight:  Finding a Habitat Restore!

Lowlight:  The resident cat inside.  (I'm seriously petrified of cats)

Another highlight was that me and my man watched so many movies!  There was a TV in the bedroom we stayed in, so we found ourselves cuddled up most nights watching some old favorites. The Holiday, The Wedding Singer, You've Got Mail, Regarding Henry, U571 and Miss Congeniality, to name a few.  I didn't watch that many movies all of last year!  It was fun and relaxing.

We also got to visit the cottage where Andrew spent his summers as a kid.  It is right on Mink Lake, and it is gorgeous!  It was such a fun day trip.

We saw a family of wild turkeys, 10 babies!

The most beautiful backgrounds for photo shoots.  This is on the same street as my in-laws house.

And I found some treasures that I somehow got back to Arizona.

It was a much needed and loved vacation.  It was wonderful to see so many friends and relatives.  Thanks to all of our Canadian hosts, we love you and appreciated your hospitality so much!

Now I've got some work to do....


  1. Welcome home! I'm SOOOO glad you got to go on a super well deserved vacation. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures as well as the highs and lows of your adventure . . . so many highlights! {I won't mention the painful parting with that necklace :( } You have a beautiful family!

  2. You make our surroundings look SO incredible, Jill! Melanie and I were discussing about how we need you to take us with you when you come and tour OUR area...so many wonderful discoveries that we know nothing of. ;) I'm flattered to be included (well, as least my cakes) in your great blog! Glad you arrived home safely, and can't wait until we can do it again! <3

  3. Gorgeous pix! Selling your necklace cracks. me. up! She scored a treasure!


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Mia & Jilly