
oh canada

We are here!  And I never want to leave....

It's always disappointing when we fly back in over the Arizona desert after spending time among the trees and lakes.  Before I die, I'm going to figure out a way to spend my summers here.  Trust me.

We have been in Ontario for over a week now, and have experienced a plethora of highlights.  The most exciting thing that has happened is that our youngest son Carter was baptized.  It was a beautiful day, and I couldn't have imagined it being any better. This precious, bright, blue-eyed boy has brought our family so much happiness.

After the baptism, my wonderful in-laws hosted a family reunion for over 50 people in their park-like backyard, complete with a big, cool swimming pool.  We really enjoyed getting reacquainted with family we haven't seen for a long time.

 My parents joined us on our trip, bless their hearts.  They left yesterday and we will miss having them with us.  They are so helpful and easy to travel with.  We were able to pack in so many fun activities before they headed home.  We went to Palmyra, NY, saw the Hill Cumorah Pageant, and walked all over Niagra Falls.  We visited a small village called Ovid where my dad had lots of relatives at one time, and were able to talk to the town Historian who told us fun facts about our ancestors.  We spent a lazy afternoon at a beautiful beach called The Sandbanks, and some time wandering around the main street of the quaint little town of Picton.  Picton is the home of Buddha Dogs, which was voted the best hot dog in ALL of Canada.  I talk myself into one hot dog a year, and I did the right thing by having one there.  Spread some jalepeno jelly on your next dog, you won't be sorry!

One morning, my mom, Jaci and I headed out for an adventurous day.  Our first stop was Pot O' Gold, owned and run by an adorable Irish girl named Mary.  Her shop is always the first place I visit, packed full of treasures a plenty.  I found a few things to take home, including an old drawer for Mia.  I coerced Andrew into jamming ten of them into his golf bag a few years ago to get back to Arizona for my office.  It almost ended our marriage, but we made it through, and I think it made us stronger than ever!  When I got my drawers, Mary had just secured about 300 of them from an old hardware store.  I can't believe she still had one left!  It was meant to be, and Mia is going to love it.

Mary put us on to a few other treasure troves in the surrounding towns, so off we went to explore.  We found so many fun places, but the crowning jewel was a place called Cottage White.  Their store is in the middle of an old tannery building, with living quarters on either end.  Lucky people.  The store is like something right out of Europe, inside and out.  It was just amazing, and such a treat for us!

We ended our day at the local bakery with a homemade maple walnut doughnut.  Truly Canadian, and truly a wonderful day!


  1. I'm SO happy you are there! I've been thinking about you and knew you were having fun. Enjoy the rest of your holiday! {I love ALL the pics}

  2. I am so jealous that you are surrounded by loved ones, greenery and antiques while I'm stuck here surrounded by dust, cactus and overpriced Goodwill junk. (I found a cute little chair they wanted $60 for... excuse me? Am I at Ethan Allen?) Anyway, enjoy your trip and thanks for sharing the pics. Miss you lots!


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Mia & Jilly