
march giveaway

Please enjoy a conversation Jilly's 17 year old daughter, Jaci, had with her friend one weekend when my boys were out of town....

Jaci- Hey Chelsea, whacha doin this weekend?

Chelsea- Um, I dunno.  Thinkin about a movie or some shopping.  What are you doin?

Jaci- Well, my mom's best friend is spending the night.  Want to come over?

Chelsea-  "Your mom's best friend is spending the night?" (said in a very confused voice)

Jaci- Ya, why?

Chelsea- Um, my mom and her friends don't do that. (pause) Where does your dad sleep?

Jaci- Downstairs on the couch.

Do you think that's weird, because I don't.  Who made up the rule that just because you're out of high school, you can't spend the night with your best friend?  And how chivalrous of Jilly's husband to give up his spot in the bed so I could be comfy.  I think there should be more bestie sleep overs, and I think I'm naming March official "Best Friend Month."

In honor of Best Friend month, Jilly and I are hosting a super fun giveaway.  We want to take YOU and your BFF out on the town for a fantastic day of thrifting.  And we've teamed up with Lindsey from {Better After} whose coming too! 

Lindsey is one of our favorite cyber friends and we love to see all the amazing and creative transformations on her blog. Honestly, if she ever gets tired of blogging, she should really consider stand up comedy.  We can't wait to meet this hilariously adorable mother of three.

Imagine it, hooking up all day for some serious junkin, laughing, and picking up so many deals our wallets will be smokin'.  Oh, and who could forget about one of the most important things.  Lunch.  We'll take you to one of our favorite spots, and it's on US!

So....do you want to come???  If you live outside of the Phoenix area and you can get yourself here, we're more than happy to put you up for the night.  Now that could be fun.

We'll get in touch with the winner and come up with a plan that works best for everyone.  We can't wait!

Here's all you have to do:

Subscribe to our blog- 1 entry
Become a follower of our blog- 1 entry
Like us on facebook {here}- 1 entry

Please make a separate comment for each entry to increase you chances of winning.  A winner will be chosen via random.org on March 13th. 

Here's to my best friend and biggest cheer leader.  In 10 years, we have never run out of things to talk about, never been sick of each other, and have never had dinner without dessert.  We've made over everything from our living rooms to our husbands, thrown every kind of party imaginable, and have treasure hunted all over the country.  We've laughed A LOT together, and we've done our share of crying.  We've finished a hundred projects and have a hundred more.  We both get ridiculously excited about food, good deals, and Oprah.  We always tell each other the truth, and we still find any excuse to be together. 

I love you Jilly.


  1. I follow you two lovely ladies!

  2. I subscribe too and love you!

  3. And I just liked you on facebook!!! Yay!!!

  4. Sounds like a splendid idea. My best friend from Reno is flying in on the 21st. Can't wait to spend time with her. Good luck to you all.

  5. Oh, my gosh! How I would love to win this giveaway and meet you both! Your blog is on my "Top Sites" grid, and I check every day (sometimes multiple times) to see what news you have. I subscribed, but the Follow button didn't work for me.

  6. Hello again! I "liked" you on Facebook. It's too bad they don't have a "love" button!

  7. What a fabulous post. Here's to Besties! I couldn't possibly join you gals...I'm in SoCal and never have time to travel much...but I just wanted to tell you this post just plain rocks! Love that photo of you two.


  8. I subscribe to your blog

  9. I "like" you on face book

  10. Hi!

    I really like your blog. The follow link is broken, is it enough that I just began following you via bloglovin? (I'm not a super high tech person....)

    Live in Phx and would love to hang out with you two and Lindsey. I agree that she is really funny on betterafter!


  11. o.k. friends, I subscribe to your blog.... and am ALWAYS checking to see if you have anything new for us! xoxoxoxo

  12. and of course I liked you on FB- what's not to LIKE about girls with good taste! I even started a "club" last fall, and named it that. we are a group of 10 girls that go out to dinner once every 8 weeks and I fondly refer to us as the GGT's xoxox

  13. I'm a follower, I'm a believer.
    after all, my old boyfriend Davy Jones died this week and I need something to cheer me up. a day with you 3 would be just the ticket!!!!

  14. What a wonderful "giveaway". I "llked you on FB.

  15. Hi Again, I subscribed via Google Reader a while ago. Love your blog .

  16. Not sure about the last one of being a follower - I do follow your blog. My BFF is my sister-in-law. doesn't get any better than that. We have been friends for over 40 years! I sleep over often :)
    thanks for all you inspiration.

  17. I'm a follower & I love love your blog! A day out thrifting with you guys sounds like a blast! I am on bed rest for the next 2 months so id have to hold off til summer is that allowed? ;)

  18. Yay! How fun! I am even in the Phoenix area! First entry: I'm a subscriber!


  19. 3rd entry: I "like" you on FB! :)

  20. My favorite line: Umm, where does your dad sleep?? Hilarious. I subscribe.

  21. I've been waiting for the right time.
    I tried to follow - but the button is broken.

  22. Hopefully, this is the giveaway that was worth waiting for!
    Like you on FB!

  23. I tried to follow you, but it's still not working.

  24. You seem to only get credit if you are a new follower. What if I am already subscribed, liked, and following? I get 1 measly point for a comment since I am already a huge fan and stalker since the beginning? Do I get any points for creeping outside the windows on sleepovers??? And I am sure Andy welcomes the peace and quiet of SPORTS CENTER and a couch.
    No seriously, your best exposure will come from Sharing your FB posts. Is that counted?

  25. Curtis, Curtis, Curtis, you get one entry for each. Just make sure you make two more comments as good as the first oone and you'll have two more chances to win. We know you're our biggest fan, but the sleepover stalking has me concerned.


  26. I liked ya on facebook! How fun! :)

  27. I tried to follow, but when I clicked the button nothing happened :(

  28. Love this post, I am forwarding this to my husband. He was taken aback the first time he really met my best friend. She was coming into town for the weekend. She was getting in really late. I just told her the code to our garage and told her to come on in and make herself at home. My husband was very concerned about her coming in so late so he left a trail of lights on to the guest bedroom. I chuckled and told him to get some sleep she would be fine. Well at about 2:30am her she came bouncing in our bedroom and jumped on the bed with my husband right inbetween us... She recounted some hilarious travel tales and we all had quite a few laughs. I think we all finally go another hour of sleep when the sun came up:) However they too have been best pals every since. He still can't believe a grown woman would come and jump in bed with us! LOL!


We LOVE comments and we read every single one. Go ahead, make our day!
Mia & Jilly