
welcome fall

It's Fall, right?  Wrong.  It is still over 100 degrees here everyday and I am so. done.  I have vacationed in some really beautiful spots during the Fall, and it seriously makes me wonder why I live in a place that doesn't grasp this season!!  After all, ever since my mom "color draped" me when I was 12, and placed me in the "Autumn" category, I fell for it.  Hook, line and sinker.  If the colors I look the best in are all Fall colors, certainly this is destined to be my favorite time of the year!

Here is me, my mom, and my little sis Erica in Pittsburgh a few years back.  I had never seen such gorgeous colors in my life.  I want to spend my "Falls" there.  Is that too much to ask?

Erica works for a super great guy who happens to be a successful Endodontist.  Even professional people need a hobby, and his is hunting.  It works out really great...... When he goes hunting, Erica and I get to spend time together because she isn't working, and when he gets back, he shares his kill with us.  Erica hauled a big bag full of meat into my kitchen on Friday night and divvied it up.  I put most of it in the freezer, but kept a couple of roasts out for the weekend. Thanks Dr. T!  You can be expecting a thank you in the way of a tasty delight sometime soon!  And thanks again for fixing my tooth.  You rock.

The aroma of a roast in the oven just screams Fall to me, and I couldn't help myself.  I don't care if the kids are still bobbing about in the pool.  I am going to enjoy this season if only in my head, gosh darn it!  I followed Ree's recipe for the perfect pot roast, and it was amazing.

Ree is the very creative mind behind The Pioneer Woman, and certainly I'm not telling you anything you probably don't already know.  She has written several books, been on tv a bajillion times, etc, etc.  I really love everything about her, and would love to bake in her kitchen alongside her someday. (have you SEEN her kitchen?) If you haven't ever been on her blog, you are going to want to do it after you tuck the children (and your husband) into bed for the night.

You can find her step by step tutorial for the perfect pot roast {here}.  I couldn't even attempt a post regarding pot roast after reading hers, so please do yourself a favor, visit the link, and learn how to impress your mother-in-law with an amazing roast dinner to welcome Fall.  My favorite part of the post is when she decides to give up butter.  For 13 hours.  She's got me beat!!

Don't you think a meal like this is tempting Mother Nature just a little bit to reconsider her evil ploy in my neck of the woods?

The other fun thing I did last weekend was make a belt for my daughter's Homecoming dress.  Mia spotted a little black and white polka dot number at H & M while we were shopping in NYC.  We both knew it would be perfect.  It was modest, comfortable, and cute.  It just needed an adorable belt to finish it off.  I found {this} tutorial, and duplicated it in about 15 minutes, tops.  I love a stylish, easy project that turns out exactly as planned.  Isn't it so cute?

 Here is Jaci and her darling date Cole.  A couple of days before the big night they were practicing their dance moves in my kitchen, and I just knew the evening was going to be a success.

Next week I will be posting a tutorial for a herringbone painted wall we just completed in my office.  It is seriously my most favorite thing right now, and it is so do-able.  One of the funnest things about blogging (and blog stalking) is learning how to create designer looks for your own space.  I mean, bloggers are giving up their best secrets and tricks of the trade so that you and I can create spaces that we can be proud of.  A very talented girl posted a tutorial on her blog, and I copied it for my very own.  It feels like cheating, but I love it!

Happy Fall!

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