

Yesterday, all my kids were officially back at school.  Jaci started a couple of weeks ago, but the boys just started Monday.  I'm always super excited for summer to begin, and just as excited when school starts up again.  But...the older my kids get, the more I am starting to realize it will be over all too soon.

Jaci is a junior this year, which gives me less than two years left to have her home.  I'm so sad about it, I honestly can't talk about it.  She has a great group of friends and they do lots of fun things together.  She does some photography in her (very) spare time, and they all went out at 5:00 a.m. the morning before school started a couple weeks ago and had a photo shoot.  She set her self-timer and got some cute group pictures.  Aren't they all adorable?  Such good kids.

The two little boys are in 3rd and 4th grade this year.  They had a brand new school built this summer and they are so excited to be back in class with their extraordinary teachers and all their friends. I love that they wear uniforms because there is absolutely zero drama about clothes.  It's great. They are so precious and innocent, and I really wish I could freeze time.

So, here's to hoping.
Hoping that I have taught my kids how to love.
How to respect others.
How to be leaders.
How to show kindness and compassion.
How to be responsible.
And a million other things......

A favorite quote of mine, and so true.
If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been.
- Robert Brault  


  1. I loove your daughter photo...what a great bunch of kids.
    p.s. I want those teal lockers in the background of the boys....lol

  2. It seems like your daughter has such a great group of friends and that is so rare these days amongst teenagers.

  3. This is my first time on your blog!! Love it!!! I am a mom of 5 and a recent home aloner. My youngest a set of twins just started all day kindergarten. I look forward to spending some time catching up on the last year you have been blogger. Thanks for brightening my day! PS I can't wait to receive the prints. I already know what I am going to do with them!! susiewoolley@yahoo.com

  4. Just found your blog and was loving it, when I saw this really cute pic your daughters friends and had to laugh, the cutie in the hat is one of my brood!!! Keep up the great work!


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